STEP 3: What have I learnt?
The evaluator should write down the answer and then he can see the explanation in the menu!
1. Why is it important to have a competence evaluation framework in a VET course?
Explanation: Have an evaluation framework is important because the labour market requires precise certifications which attest the level of the candidate, his or her skills, competencies and knowledge. The certification of the skills acquired during a training process, both in the school and in the workplace, is crucial in order to ensure linkages between the training and the entrance in the labour market. It is also vital to guarantee student’s expertise and make him prepared for his employment. This process is more important in a training school, where competencies acquisition is strongly linked with a direct entrance in the labour market, and in particular in a workplace where practical skills are specific and highly required.
2. How job competences can be acquired?
Explanation: Job-related competencies can be acquired through:
- Formal learning: a school path that leads to a specific diploma;
- Non-formal learning: a learning process outside school system (e. g. in an enterprise, in volunteering, in community service etc.) that the candidate personally chooses;
- Informal learning: the interpersonal interaction that characterizes everyday life.
Competencies acquired through lifelong learning, in particular through non-formal and informal learning, must be validated and compared with specific professional standards in order to recognize corresponding training credit units. Moreover, these competencies must be certified through specific tests in order to be publicly recognized.
3. Apart from specific job-related skills, which other competences must be evaluated?
Explanation: It is very important to evaluate and certificate the following competencies:
- Soft skills
- Linguistic competences
- Digital competences
The assessment of this kind of competences is crucial because they are highly requested by the labour market.