STEP 2: Where can I find the evidences?
Indicators of relevance | Evidences: Where I can find it |
- Presence of a protocol and tools for the evaluation of the competences, with reference to national and European standards (e.g. EQF)
| - Curriculum/ Piano Offerta Formativa
- Evaluation tools
- Interviews with managers, teachers and students
- Taken into account of the competences acquired during informal or non-formal training and their use for the personalization of the training course
| - Evaluation tools and protocols
- Individual training agreements
- Interviews with managers, teachers and students
- Evaluation of the linguistic competences and digital competences
| - Tools and protocols for the evaluation of the linguistic and digital competences
- Individual training agreements
- Specific training projects dedicated to the linguistic and digital competences acquisition
- Resource and environment (e.g., computer lab) are available
- Interviews with managers, teachers and students
- Assessment of the soft skills
| - Curriculum
- Individual training agreements
- Interviews with managers, teachers and students
- Ongoing evaluation of the competences during the year
| - Documents provided by the school
- Connections with other institution (e.g., companies) to provide internships and assessment of the competences acquired
| - Memorandum of understanding with local enterprises
- Internship report
- Interviews with managers, teachers and students
- Support during the setting up of the curriculum vitae and during the job placement
| - Curriculum
- Specific activities
- Interviews with managers, teachers and students