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Welcome to the quality indicator Certifications and their recognition in the labour market

Each training area consists of three steps.
Information about the procedure within the online training can be found here.


Explanation of the quality indicator "Certifications and their recognition in the labour market"

The development of knowledge, skills and competencies is crucial for personal growth and provides the basis for labour market entry. Job-related skills can be acquired through in-class training, internships and work experiences. However, the labour market requires precise certifications that demonstrate the level of applicants’ personal skills, competencies and knowledge. These certifications generally are awarded at the end of the school path and demonstrate specific knowledge and competencies. School systems grant students following precise guidelines to ensure students’ preparation and to facilitate their labour market entry. Other attestations that certify specific competencies are approved by the EU and national governments (e.g. linguistic competencies and the European computer driving licence). Moreover, competencies can be certified by lifelong learning, defined as any activity that leads to new knowledge, skills and abilities in personal, social and occupational perspective.