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Welcome to the quality indicator Selecting teaching methods

Each training area consists of three steps.
Information about the procedure within the online training can be found here.


Explanation of the quality indicator "Selecting teaching methods"

To be successful, the teaching methods used in VET for refugees must connect to the interests and prior learning of individual students and encourage their motivation to learn. While specific teaching methods vary greatly by subjects, learning goals and learning environments, some general guidelines for choosing teaching methods should be observed. Teaching should help make students feel accepted and recognised by teachers, trainers and other students. Students can learn more easily when they feel safe making mistakes in their learning environment and when the learning objectives are clear and meaningful to them. In that situation, students can realise meaning in the learning process and take responsibility within the setting.To select the most adequate teaching methods, the specific situations of refugee students should be considered. Before starting VET programmes, they have often spent a long time in transition between different countries and refugee centres in unstructured and uncertain life situations.