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Welcome to the quality indicator Individual demand

Each training area consists of three steps.
Information about the procedure within the online training can be found here.


Explanation of the quality indicator "Individual demand"

From management’s perspective, this indicator focuses on 

  • How much students’ individual demands can be understood 
  • Recognising whether there is a dynamic learning environment 
  • How VET providers can contribute to create and improve positive bilateral synergy
  • Whether there is a focus on each student’s potential 
  • How VET providers can improve matching the needs of the student and the community to create direct contacts and stimulate mutual interests 

From students’ perspective, this indicator examines 

  • Whether their expectations are realistic 
  • Why they have chosen to enrol in a VET course 
  • What the attractions of the VET course, the expected benefits, like future employability and their future plans are